The Poetry

What Kind of Beast Are You?

What Kind of Beast Are You? There are all kinds of beasts in this human zoo. There are the thinking ones and the thoughtless ones. What kind of beast are you? There are all kinds of human creatures on this sacred planet. There the generous ones and the greedy ones, the helpful ones and the destructive ones. What kind of beast are you? There are all kinds of Homo sapiens in this global village. There are the compassionate ones and the demonic ones. What kind of beast are you? There are all kinds of human beings in this heart of creation. There are the soulful ones and the cold-hearted ones, the divine ones and the disconnected ones. What kind of beast are you?

The Poetry

For the Love of Bob

For the Love of Bob

We heard him sing songs of freedom
as he fueled the fire of a roots revival.
Marley was the Jamaican messenger
who was guided by the wisdom of The Bible.

We know he was a creative genius.
Through music, he proclaimed God’s word.
Bob Marley was the musical prophet
and creator of the sweetest vibes on earth.

We listened as he spoke out for justice.
Yet, he encouraged only peaceful means.
Just thank Jah he walked among us
and healed many with his soulful beat.

Amazed at how his reggae moved all the people,
as he swayed both black and the white.
Bob Marley was the musical prophet,
a human conduit for divine love,
and Jah’s light.
The Poetry

The Electric Church

One last shot of Jimi’s finger magic, poured out through his wailing guitar, will alert the psychedelic zombies to the spirit vibrating across the airways.

The voodoo hippies will awaken to the call for a new renaissance strong, but no longer graced with Janis hot at the microphone.

The children of love will again rise up, as they no longer need a resurrection of John Lennon’s imagination to spur them on.

The slumbering flower power will awaken to destiny and descend like an angel to infuse one more hefty dose of love.

The Poetry

Reflections of Thee

You are no imposter.
It is just that you cannot see
the promise of your being embryonic within thee.

You are no idiot.
It is just that you cannot see
all the treasures of wisdom buried deep within thee.

You are no demon.
It is just that you cannot see
all the despair and suffering festering hopelessly within thee.

You are no hypocrite.
It is just that you cannot see
all the love and compassion residing silent within thee.

You are no atheist.
It is just that you cannot see all the glory of God’s creation flowing within and through thee.